HP Corse

BAZ Company
Tel: 06 76 20 74 85

SARL with a capital of €6000
RCS 533 56987
Intra-Community VAT FR2653356987

Head office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

Schweitzer Business Park
Rue du Bois Fossé BP 147

Web agency: web.espace-technologie.com/

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Infographics and Photographs:
« The communication and use (reproduction-representation) of photographs are subject to the provisions of the law of March 11, 1957, on artistic property and the provisions of the Code of Practice for the use of photographs in the press.

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Personal data
Use of email addresses collected on the site: No personal data is collected without the knowledge of visitors. BAZ Company guarantees the confidentiality of the data, which cannot under any circumstances be transferred or made accessible to any third-party entity.

Right of access, modification, and deletion
In accordance with Article 34 of the "Informatique et Libertés" law of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, rectify, modify, and delete any data concerning you. You can exercise this right by contacting us by email or by postal mail (see section Contact Us).

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